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Training Future English Teachers in the Context of Using Digital Technologies

EasyChair Preprint 15307

7 pagesDate: October 25, 2024


In the era of globalization, it is crucial for individuals in various fields to possess knowledge and communication skills in multiple foreign languages, in addition to a strong command of their native language. In order to meet this demand, it is necessary to improve the learning and teaching methods of foreign languages, using more modern approaches and integrating digital technologies into lessons. Our country places significant importance on the education of innovative and creative individuals, regardless of their field of specialization. It is essential for young people to have a comprehensive understanding of the IT field and the ability to independently utilize digital technologies, as well as the capacity to learn foreign languages, particularly English. The primary goal of digitalizing education is to enhance the quality of education and prepare young people to be competitive professionals in various fields, particularly in the realm of digital technologies. Achieving this requires transitioning to a new level of sophistication by implementing theoretical and methodological advancements in utilizing digital technologies within the educational process. Digital technologies impact all aspects of human activity. By incorporating digital technologies into the educational process, students' motivation to learn increases. Furthermore, it facilitates research and educational activities such as searching, editing, storing, presenting, and creating information, allowing for the full utilization of the didactic potential of digital technologies. This, in turn, fosters the development of digital literacy, which can be seen as a new form of literacy.

Keyphrases: Digitalization, Technology, digital

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Feruz Mukhammadiev},
  title     = {Training Future English Teachers in the Context of Using Digital Technologies},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15307},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2024}}
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