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Research Status and Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Chinese Language and Characters —Based on CNKI Data Research

EasyChair Preprint 15874

10 pagesDate: February 27, 2025


With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, its application in the field of natural language processing is increasingly extensive. As the largest Chinese speaker in the world, the complexity and diversity of Chinese language provide unique opportunities and challenges for the research of artificial intelligence. This paper takes the literatures related to artificial intelligence in the field of Chinese language and text collected by CSSCI in CNKI as the research object. This paper uses bibliometric method and Citespace visualization tool for quantitative and qualitative analysis, summarizes the general situation of research development in this field, and summarizes the application maturity of artificial intelligence in the field of Chinese language and text. Identify research subjects, research hotspots and evolutionary paths. After 2018, the field ushered in a period of rapid development; However, researchers and institutions are relatively scattered, and cooperative research needs to be strengthened. There are some differences in the application of artificial intelligence in the field of Chinese language and writing. The research focus mainly includes machine translation, international Chinese education, language services, natural language understanding, digital humanities, etc. Finally, based on the analysis, the corresponding enlightenment of this study is obtained.

Keyphrases: Artificial Intelligence, CNKI, CSSCI, Chinese language

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Shenglan Cai and Chatuwit Keawsuwan},
  title     = {Research Status and Implications of Artificial Intelligence in the Field of Chinese Language and Characters —Based on CNKI Data Research},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15874},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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